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[ Publishing Workflows ] August 16, 2023

4 ways to build efficiency in the research submission stage

Picture this. You're on the brink of a breakthrough. Months of research and writing have led you here – the final leap to submit your work. But, hold on. Rushing could mean overlooking critical formatting, industry standards, and journal requirements. An oversight could cost you, and your publisher, greatly.

What’s more, each journal comes with their own set of different requirements and unique submission processes, posing a challenge for authors navigating this complex landscape. So, how do we master the art of journal submission? Stay with us, as we reveal our key learnings and insights.


Turbocharge Scholarly Review

The scholarly community may be in need of a mindset upgrade. Peer review was established as a formal concept in the mid-20th century, but as technology and the volume of research accelerates, the old formula of completing work and then awaiting a formal review doesn't always cut it. Imagine how much more efficient we would be as a community if we evaluated science’s latest groundbreaking discoveries as they were still being made?  While preprints, open peer review, and other strategies have made attempts to push the envelope, but continue to fall short.

In 2020, peer reviewers spent an estimated 130 million hours in total globally. How many of those hours are taken up identifying errors in submissions that could be rectified before the peer review process? This speeds up the overall publication process, helping publishers maintain a streamlined workflow and increasing an author’s chance at getting published. 

At Morressier, we’re big believers in the power of early-stage research. These insights are so important,  and it doesn’t make sense to wait to share them.  Whether it's conference proceedings, video presentations, abstracts, or more, there are so many platforms (like us!) that are dedicated to leveraging technology for collaborative feedback. This way, we turbo-charge the publication cycle and harness the collective power of early-stage research, avoiding the bottlenecks and costs that arise when it’s too late to make corrections.


Dress to Impress

In a publish-or-perish landscape, ensuring research integrity or formatting validity prior to publication is a wise move.

Messy manuscript formatting can indicate poor research quality. Spotting glitches early on guarantees that the author’s manuscript aligns with the journal and wider industry standards. This can boost submission quality, accelerating acceptance odds for researchers and minimizing revision for editors or retractions for publishers later downstream

Devoting time to catching these blunders safeguards authors' scholarly reputation and helps to avoid disappointment from publishers’ as they present their community’s biggest breakthroughs.


Build Academic Admiration

Amidst the recent surge in AI-driven tools, technology has started to seem like a threat to humans. But, when we dig deeper, digital tools have the potential to elevate human capacities.

Publishers are trusted by the academic community, yet this trust is delicate. Early misconduct or error detection preserves publishers’ reputations, ensuring that they are properly distributing scholarly information. Authors also reap the benefits, aligning with prestigious journals that can help them build their academic standing and provide workflows that can amplify their ideas.

Speaking of efficiency, reputations, and workflows, we’re incredibly proud of the strides we've made alongside IOP Publishing. Overhauling journal article submission and peer review workflows requires visionary brainstorming, and we've been creating and building transformative ideas here at Morressier for years. It's thrilling to partner  with important publishers in our industry, working to elevate their public image and that of their authors.


Collaborative Success

When authors and publishers team up with timely communication and collaboration, it's a recipe for success. Authors value critical guidance on submission qualifications and industry standards, leading to higher-quality manuscripts. Publishers, on the other hand, receive well-prepared submissions that align with their objectives, resulting in a mutually beneficial partnership.

Responding to fraud, misconduct, and errors in research proactively also reduces resource wastage. Authors avoid wasting their time resubmitting submissions that were  rejected due to preventable errors. At the same time, publishers are able to allocate resources more efficiently.

Finding that delicate balance is never easy. We need to move fast, but also improve quality. That’s why agile technology, like our Author Submission Checks, can save time and improve an author’s chance of acceptance. 



At Morressier, we’re all about finding simple ways to achieve success. As we’ve used our agile workflows to adapt, pivot, and experiment, we’ve found that automation and proactive error identification saves time. 

As both publishers and authors integrate these checks into their submission processes, they unlock a transformative level of efficiency, opening new avenues for collaboration and success.

automated author Submission Checks

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