Conference submissions are via the primera scientific engineering journal web link
PriMera Scientific Engineering Conference (PSEN) (ISSN: 2834-2550) (Impact Factor: 0.556) welcomes you to submit a full paper or article for Established for the publication of novel ideas, which states the research results and applications in the field of Engineering.
PriMera Scientific Engineering (PSEN) covers wide areas like Computer Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Data mining & Bioinformatics Engineering etc.
And it is immense pleasure & privilege to invite you to submit your articles in all the above disciplines.
All the papers submitted to PriMera Scientific Engineering (PSEN) undergo double-blined peer review process.
All the research which are published by the PSEN is for the prompt impact to the scientific community.
Submission fee is USD 499 and submissions should be made to PriMera Scientific Engineering Journal between 30th March and 31st March 2023. Meet you all there.
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