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Panel: Rewarding for Reviewing? Changing paradigms in research integrity

Peer review is core to scientific evaluation. Despite recent advancements in tools enabling peer identification, fraud prevention, and network collaboration, the human factor is still the most important. Peer reviewing is often claimed by scientists as an element from which publishers enrich themselves free of charge.
In this panel we want to examine the topic from different perspectives: by looking at the results of a survey, we gain an overview of the demands on the peer review system, while a scientist previously introduced us to the demands of researchers. Finally, a fully OA publisher will offer insights on its approach to researchers who face demanding careers but who wish to collaborate more deeply with their peer group. And it will shine a light on its efforts to support larger communities in the broader move to open science.
Next Session: Keynote: Academic Freedom in Times of Online Publishing by Prof. Dr. Antonio Loprieno
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Jan 10, 02:00 PM–03:00 PM CUT
Online Session

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