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March 29, 2022

Aalborg University partners with Morressier to launch bespoke conference repository


Our mission is to accelerate scientific breakthroughs, which is why we’re dedicated to supporting the earliest stages of research and helping early career researchers gain recognition for their work. In line with this mission, we have created a set of tools that enable both the dissemination and discovery of previously hidden research findings, mainly conference content. 

Today, we’re very excited to announce our partnership with Aalborg University, an institution that also fully embraces the value of early-stage research. By launching their brand new poster and conference content repository, we will help their researchers to be discovered by publishers and potential commercial partners and build up their profile as early in their career as possible. 

Speaking about the partnership, Nils Thidemann, Centre Director at Aalborg University Library, said: “We’re very excited to start working together with Morressier to disseminate our conference content and increase the recognition of our early career researchers’ work. By openly sharing this research, we’re proud to further support and accelerate the open access movement.”

Institutional repositories are well-established tools for universities to present their research output. However, traditional repositories have not fully prioritized early-stage research (such as conference posters and presentations), leaving the value of these integral scientific findings untapped. 

Our tools bridge the gap between academic conferences and scholarly communication and connect the research process from beginning to end. We built our conference research repository to offer institutions a new way to showcase and promote their research contributions to a global audience. Each individual repository is connected to our discovery platform, which hosts hundreds of thousands of abstracts, posters, and presentations that have been contributed by conferences, societies, and institutions around the world. 

In order to keep the conference repository up to date, each repository enables three different methods for content integration. The research that is contributed by our conference and society partners is automatically added to the repository. As a second option, we offer an API that allows for full integration into current research information systems (CRIS) or research information management (RIM) systems. Finally, universities can use a dedicated branded submission workflow tool. As quality control is very important to us, we make sure that every poster is verified as a legitimate conference submission. Each poster receives a DOI to ensure it can be connected to the rest of a researcher’s output and easily cited by others.

Keeping conference repositories up to date with the newest content is only one part of the equation. We’re also dedicated to making sure it is widely disseminated via our discovery platform and our discovery partners. By ensuring research gets in front of the right people, we help institutions attract commercial partnerships and connect publishers with relevant research early in the process. All of this is in line with our support for open science and open access: Opening up conference content gives everyone the opportunity to follow the entire research lifecycle, from first poster to final published article.

We’re dedicated to working together with our customers to build a fully customizable solution for their institution.

About Morressier

The world’s leading professional and scientific organizations trust Morressier to support their virtual and hybrid meetings, engage their users, and amplify their content. Founded in 2014, Morressier offers its clients a powerful platform, granular data and analytics, and extensive possibilities for revenue generation. At the same time, by increasing access to previously ephemeral content, Morressier helps accelerate breakthroughs and innovation.