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March 29, 2022

Morressier Conference Highlights

As we move into the second quarter of 2021, discover the details of four upcoming online events, and their corresponding organizations who have chosen to disseminate their conference content with Morressier:

Automotive Research Center (ARC) Annual Program Review 2021

The Automotive Research Center is a U.S. Army Center of Excellence for the modeling and simulation of ground vehicles, led by the University of Michigan. Each year, the ARC brings together members of the automotive research community from across academia, government and industry to discuss Army-relevant efforts, and to leverage and transfer research efforts to industry. From May 10-11, the ARC Annual Program Review will be held on the Morressier platform, featuring pre-recorded and live session tools as well as networking and engagement features. 

The Acoustical Society of America: Acoustics in Focus (AIF)  Meeting 2021

AIF is a leading forum where acoustics researchers, practitioners, educators, and students have the opportunity to learn from one another. This year, the AIF meeting will take place virtually from June 8-10, featuring a mix of pre-recorded and live-streamed presentations alongside networking sessions. Find out more about this event on Twitter.

Swiss Congress of Radiology 2021

The Swiss Congress of Radiology (SCR)  is the largest radiological scientific and educational meeting of Switzerland with an average attendance of over 1,200 professional and industry delegates. It is held every year in a different city in Switzerland. This June 24-26, the annual Swiss Congress of Radiology will be transformed into a series of virtual sessions - follow the event and surrounding discussions on Twitter.

Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2021

The Mayo Clinic Artificial Intelligence Symposium (July 14-16) aims to bring the health care AI community together to learn about current activities, share best practices, and foster collaborations toward digital health and medicine. Mayo Clinic has engaged Morressier's abstract management and online poster gallery tools to boost the engagement and impact of the content shared at the symposium.