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June 2024 - Institution Verification Check

Integrity Manager: Institution Verification Check 

Authorship verification is an important step when assessing submissions. Our brand-new Institution Verification Check helps you identify authentic research by confirming the legitimacy of the institutions authors claim to be affiliated with.

Now you can confidently assess submissions, especially during integrity investigations, knowing the institutions the authors claim to be affiliated with, are genuine institutions.

We're building a robust author verification system. Soon, you'll be able to validate author emails, affiliations to claimed institutions, publication history, and more.









May 2024 - Extended Coverage of Citations Integrity Checks and In-Platform Contact Channels

Integrity Manager: Extended Coverage of Citations Integrity Checks 

We're leveling up our citation checks. Now, with Crossref metadata integrated into our service, you get the most robust and comprehensive citation checks available. Crossref's rich metadata provides a deeper understanding of your references, leading to the highest-quality citation checks possible.

This means:

  • With improved detection you can now catch citations with "et. al" or those with inconsistent formatting, ensuring all your references are accounted for.


In-Platform Contact Channels for Author-Organizer Comms 

We've simplified the process for authors to connect with organizers or publishers, ensuring they receive timely and accurate support for their submission-related questions. 







April 2024 - Configurable Integrity Checks within CfP Workflow

Proceedings Manager: Configurable Integrity Checks within CfP Workflow

We've taken our Call for Papers (CfP) workflow a step further by enhancing the configurability of integrity and preflight checks. Now, you can choose which checks to prioritize at different stages of the publishing process. This allows you to select checks at predefined points within the CfP workflow, giving you more control and streamlining the entire process.


These stages include: 
  • On Author Submission: Configure specific checks to run automatically upon author submission, allowing organizers to assess quality and integrity right away.

  • After Decision Notification: Organizers can run final checks to ensure all requirements are fulfilled before sending the volume to you, the publisher.

  • On Submission to the Publisher: Automatically trigger checks on all submissions accepted from organizers, giving you confidence before moving forward with publication.







March 2024 - Configurable Proceedings Workflow and Scaled-Up Paper Processing

Proceedings Manager: Configurable Workflow 

We now offer a configurable proceedings workflow that can be tailored to your specific event, eliminating unnecessary tasks like creating tables of contents or attaching copyright forms. By simplifying the process, you can manage submissions more efficiently.

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Integrity Manager: Scaled-Up Paper Processing  

Manually sorting through vast amounts of pre-publication papers or meticulously checking existing portfolios for integrity issues can be a tedious task. To streamline this process, we've scaled our service to handle large-scale paper processing, significantly reducing completion times.


Integrity Manager: Analytics Deep-Dives  

For easier referencing of papers on specific issues, our reports now include quick navigation. Simply click on the relevant issue type to access a dedicated list of papers.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 17.46.30

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 17.53.32


February 2024 - Cross-Volume Analytics

Integrity Manager: Cross-Volume Analytics 

To gain deeper insights into journal integrity across your portfolio, we’ve expanded our volume analytics dashboard. This powerful tool empowers you to identify potential issues and tailor solutions for each journal, enabling you to develop robust integrity policies that build trust and strengthen your reputation.




Upcoming Releases


Integrity Manager: Scaling Up Paper Processing

Manually analyzing pre-publication papers across massive volumes or assessing existing portfolios for integrity issues can be time-consuming. To reduce this effort, we’re scaling our service to handle large-scale paper processing with significantly faster completion times.


January 2024 - Image Duplication Detection and Detailed Statistics in Volume Dashboard

Integrity Manager: Image Duplication Detection Integration 

Scientific publishing is currently plagued by plagiarism in the form of manipulated or recycled images. From simply copying visuals from another paper to hiding plagiarism through subtle image tweaks or even reusing the same image repeatedly within a single manuscript. Thanks to our new integration with Imagetwin, Integrity Manager users can now automatically detect such issues and reference them as part of our integrated report.





Integrity Manager: Detailed Statistics in Volume Dashboard

Beyond catching individual cases, combating academic fraud involves uncovering broader trends, evaluating issues on a larger scale, and providing invaluable data to shape research integrity policies. As a first step in our commitment to providing our publishers with the right tools to support this decision-making process, we are releasing volume analytics, giving you insights into your volume’s health.


Proceedings Manager: Duplicate Document Detection for Bulk Paper Uploads  

Bulk uploading documents just got simpler. Experience the ease of automatic duplicate detection and avoid the hassle of manual audits. Our system instantly identifies and notifies you of any redundant uploads, keeping your event content organized, and preventing charges for unnecessary duplicate submissions

Here’s how it works: 
  • We only flag a document as a "duplicate" if it's identical to another upload or one already in your event. 
  • As you upload documents, our smart tool scans each one, comparing it to others in the batch and your existing content. 
  • If we find a duplicate, you'll be notified instantly. You can then choose to upload it anyway or keep your event content tidy by leaving it behind.



Proceedings Manager: Customizable email templates for publishers  

Elevate your event communication with brand-powered email templates and effortlessly craft personalized emails that resonate with your audience.

Now you can:

  • Weave your brand identity into every email by infusing logos, brand colors, and website links.
  • Customize your publisher-level email templates and ensure a cohesive and professional experience across all events.
  • Tailor the tone, style, and content of your templates to match your brand voice and audience preferences.


Upcoming Releases


Integrity Manager: Expansion of Research Integrity Analytics

Navigating the complex landscape of research integrity just got clearer. We're expanding our research integrity analytics to help dissect trends and pinpoint areas of concern across your journals.

This includes the ability to:

  • Identify potential integrity issues within individual publications, allowing you to tailor solutions and strategies for each.

  • Unveil broad trends and patterns across all your journals, informing and solidifying your overall integrity policies.

Guiding you towards informed decisions while safeguarding the integrity of your publications.

December 2023 - Papermill Alarm Public Integration and Navigation Between Journals

Integrity Manager: Papermill Alarm Public Integration 

Our fight against research fraud gets a powerful boost! We're proud to partner with Clear Skies and integrate their Papermill Alarm Public into Integrity Manager. This innovative tool scans for submissions suspiciously similar to known paper mill-generated content, keeping you one step ahead. This new layer adds to our already extensive suite of integrity checks, arming you with comprehensive information for informed publishing decisions and targeted investigations.




Integrity Manager: Navigation Between Journals 

Juggling multiple journals? Integrity Manager simplifies the process. Thanks to our new journal selector drop-down menu, you can effortlessly navigate between journals in your Integrity Workspace.



Integrity Manager: Enhanced Search for Integrity Workspace  

Remove the guesswork and easily find the integrity report you’re looking for. Now you can search your Integrity Workspace by paper title, helping you easily locate reports.



Upcoming Releases


Integrity Manager: Image Duplication Check

To ensure the quality of your research, we're adding a critical check to Integrity Manager that helps identify duplicate images within a submission or across publications.


Integrity Manager: Detailed Statistics in Volume Dashboard

Empower your team with a clear snapshot of volume-level issues identified by Integrity Manager or take a deep dive into specific issue types at the check level, gaining a quick pulse on your volume's health. 




October 2023 - Enhanced Paper Upload Flow and Search Functionality for Integrity On Demand

Integrity Manager: Enhanced Paper Upload Flow 

Increase the efficiency of your paper upload process with our improved workflow. Users can name requests, making it simple to track volumes and understand the context in which requests were submitted.



Integrity Manager: Search Functionality 

Now you can search the Integrity Manager workspace by volume name and ID, making it easier than ever to navigate large numbers of requests and quickly find specific volumes or groups of papers.



Upcoming Releases


Integrity Manager: Image Duplication Check

To help ensure the quality of research submitted through the Morressier platform, we’re adding a critical check to our integrity check reports to identify duplicate images within a submission or across publications.


Integrity Manager: Visualize Integrity Check Results

Empower your team to take timely action in preventing retractions by providing graphical overviews of integrity check results, which can reveal trends and patterns of misconduct at volume, journal, and organization levels. 



September 2023 - Configurable Integrity Checks and Option to Publish Papers Open Access

Proceedings Manager: Option for Authors to Publish Papers Open Access 

Empower authors to publish papers open access with automated invitations and reminders, ensuring wider reach and greater impact for their research.


Proceedings Manager: Configurable Integrity Checks 

Enjoy peace of mind with the ability to tailor integrity checks to your team’s specific needs, bolstering the authenticity and trustworthiness of all publications.


Proceedings Manager: Bulk Upload Papers

Experience a refined uploading process that accommodates multiple documents per request with a single click, making data input faster and more efficient than ever.



Proceedings Manager: JPS-compatible XML and PDF files

Streamline operations with files designed for flawless integration with JPS systems, facilitating effortless production and content management.



Proceedings Manager: Configurable Validation of papers

Set the gold standard for publications with sophisticated validation tools, ensuring each article aligns with your organization’s quality benchmarks such as author name, author email, affiliation and/or copyright forms.





August 2023 - iThenticate Integration and Advanced Reference Search of Papers

Integrity Manager: iThenticate Integration 

Our Integrity Manager includes iThenticate plagiarism checks, making it easier than ever to review potential issues, assess results, and ultimately ensure the integrity of your research manuscripts.


Integrity Manager: Advanced Reference Search of Papers 

We're helping combat research fraud with a new tool to identify unethical references in researchers’ manuscripts. Now you can identify certain authors in the reference section of a volume. This helps uncover if people managing multiple pre-published manuscripts have included themselves as a reference for papers.



Upcoming Releases


Proceedings Manager: Bulk Upload and Match Author Forms to Papers

Organizers can save time while ensuring submissions meet publisher's guidelines by uploading author forms in bulk and letting the platform automatically match each copyright form to the corresponding proceedings paper. Even better, before transferring the volume to to your publishing partner, you will be notified of any unsuccessful matches or missing copyright forms.


Proceedings Manager: Set Event Level Access Models

Setting new business model flags during the event setup process is now possible, making it easy to inform your production teams of the specific access model for your event and proceedings volume. 



Proceedings Manager: Invite Authors to Publish Their Paper Open Access

Give corresponding authors the option to publish their papers open access and level up efficiency with automated invitations to authors. You also have the ability to capture author’s publishing preferences and share this data with your production teams.




July 2023 - Preflight Formatting Checks and Enhanced AI-Generated Text Checks

Preflight Formatting Checks 

Manually checking manuscripts for formatting compliance is a tedious task. With our automated checks for submission compliance such as heading alignment, font, and page numbering requirements you save time and effort while ensuring papers are submission-ready faster. Additionally, by pushing these checks upstream in the submission workflow, publishers can reduce the communication required between themselves, organizers, and authors.



Enhanced AI-Generated Text Checks 

Let our enhanced AI-Generated Text Checks help you make informed decisions. With this new tool, you can easily identify the specific sections of a paper that are likely to have been generated by AI. This will help you determine whether AI use is legitimate or indicative of misconduct.


Abstract Manager: Backoffice Communications Center

Preview, personalize and send emails like a pro. With our new email preview feature, you can see exactly how your emails will look before you hit send. You can also customize email templates for different activities, brand your emails, and add or remove content; including text, images, and links.


Proceedings Manager: Full Suite of Preflight & Integrity Checks

Our preflight and integrity checks now seamlessly integrate into our proceedings workflows, enabling publishers to address submission completeness and research integrity issues early on. They can also customize checks for organizers, optimize resubmissions, and reduce overhead. This streamlines the publication process, improves research quality, and significantly reduces time to publication.



Upcoming Releases


Configure Preflight and Integrity Checks to Meet Your Business Needs

We're giving you the power to configure preflight and integrity checks that address the specific needs of your workflows. With a new interface, you can easily set your own pass/fail criteria for specific checks. Now you can ensure you're only spending time on the checks that matter most to you.

Integrity Issue Highlight on Paper View

Thanks to this new navigation feature, it’s never been easier to find and address integrity issues. Now you can quickly jump to the section of the paper where the issue occurs, helping you to efficiently review the detailed results of specific checks. This allows you to make informed decisions about whether to move forward with a paper.


Detailed Statistics in Volume Dashboard

Give your team a quick overview of issues identified at the volume level with access to detailed statistics in a dashboard. This information is split into different types of issues, so you can easily drill down into the details at the check level and get a quick assessment of the volume’s health.




June 2023 - Import Reviewers in Bulk and Enhanced Volume Dashboard

Enhanced Volume Dashboard

Our enhanced integrity dashboard makes it easy to track the health of your research at the volume level. With our search functionality, you can quickly find the papers you need and identify any potential issues. And our statistics overview feature gives you a clear picture of the overall status of your volume.


Abstract Manager: Import Reviewers in Bulk

Simplify your abstract management with our easy-to-use spreadsheet upload feature. With just a few clicks, you can send conference invitations to your reviewers and ensure that the review process for submitted abstracts is handled smoothly.



Upcoming Releases


Enhanced AI-Generated Text Checks 

Let our enhanced AI-Generated Text Checks help you make informed decisions. With this new tool, you can easily identify and view sections of a paper that are likely to have been generated by AI. This will help you determine whether AI use is legitimate or indicative of misconduct.



Configure Preflight and Integrity Checks to Meet Your Business Needs

We're giving you the power to configure preflight and integrity checks that address the specific needs of your workflows. With a new interface, you can easily set your own pass/fail criteria for specific checks. Now you can ensure you're only spending time on the checks that matter most to you.

Integrity Issue Highlight on Paper View

Thanks to this new navigation feature, it’s never been easier to find and address integrity issues. Now you can quickly jump to the section of the paper where the issue occurs, helping you to efficiently review the detailed results of specific checks. This allows you to make informed decisions about whether to move forward with a paper.


Detailed Statistics in Volume Dashboard

Give your team a quick overview of issues identified at the volume level with access to detailed statistics in a dashboard. This information is split into different types of issues, so you can easily drill down into the details at the check level and get a quick assessment of the volume’s health.



Abstract Manager: Backoffice Communication Center

Preview, personalize, and send emails like a pro. With our new email preview feature, you can see exactly how your emails will look before you hit send. You can also customize email templates for different activities and add or remove content; including text, images, and links.


May 2023 - iPad App in Apple Store, Plagiarism Check, and Identify Retracted Papers

Morressier iPad App Now Available in Apple Store

Download our iPad App to enhance your next conference. Effortlessly showcase digital posters, making the display process more efficient and organized. Attendees can easily browse and view digital posters on iPads or similar devices.


Plagiarism Check 

Identify potential plagiarism and paraphrasing by checking submitted papers against an extensive database of manuscripts. You also have access to an overall similarity index and a detailed similarity report to make more informed decisions.


Identify Retracted Papers in Citations Checks 

Verify authors aren’t citing retracted papers and their studies are relying on strong research and data. Decide with confidence to move forward with publishing a paper.


Research Integrity Workspace

Now you can manage all your Research Integrity requests in one central location. Whether you are an author running papers through submission checks or a publisher managing multiple volumes with Publisher Integrity Checks, you can easily access these requests in this dedicated workspace.


Allow Subtopics in Abstract Management

Enjoy more flexibility to structure the submissions in your events with the option to allow subtopics. Authors can easily select a topic for their abstract or paper without having to scroll through endless options.

Customizable and Consistent Submission IDs

Streamline your workflow with configurable unique IDs for abstracts, posters, presentations, and proceedings that let editors, reviewers, and authors know exactly which submission they are working with.


Proceedings Volume Submission Deadlines and Reminders

Empower publisher representatives and organizers to efficiently manage proceedings volumes and stay on track with timely notifications of approaching submission deadlines.


Coming Next - Targeting Q3


Enhanced AI-Generated Text Checks

This tool identifies and highlights specific sections within a paper likely to have been generated by AI. Empowering proceedings organizers and publishers to make informed judgments on whether the use of AI is a legitimate practice or indicative of misconduct.


Enhanced Volume Dashboard

Our integrity volume dashboard will be enhanced with the ability to easily search through checked papers and filter by different types of check categories. We are also including overview statistics, to help assess the overall health of the volume.


Assign Bulk Uploaded Author Forms to Papers (Proceedings Management)

Conference organizers who bulk upload their proceedings volumes for submission to their publishers can now add copyright forms and other documentation for individual papers. Manual work is minimized through automatic matching of forms to papers.


Import Reviewers in Bulk (Abstract Management)

Simplify Abstract Management for organizers with the option to upload a spreadsheet of their reviewers' contacts. This helps ensure conference invitations are sent out efficiently and the review process for submitted abstracts is handled smoothly.


Backoffice Communications Center (Abstract Management)

Now you can preview emails before they are sent and adjust as needed. You also have the option to customize email templates for various activities and the ability to add, modify, or delete content; including text, images, and links.

April 2023 - Public Sign Up to the Platform is Now Available

Public Sign Up to the Platform is Now Available

The Morressier platform is now available to anyone who wants to create an account and explore the value of our tools and workflows. Visitors can simply sign up with an email address or through any of our standard SSO options including ORCiD and Google, and client-specific SSO options.

We recognize that disambiguating authors and reviewers is a top challenge, our sign up process requires users to specify their organizational affiliations. We then verify professional affiliations and badge confirmed affiliations on the users’ profiles.


Multi-Paper Upload for Automated Integrity Checks

Now conference organizers can save time while staying ahead of emerging threats in scholarly publishing with our multi-paper upload feature for integrity checks. Its easy - scan up to 20 papers at a time, view results, and have confidence in the research you publish.

Note: we will integrate our full suite of checks into the Proceedings workflow within the next few weeks.


Import Event Submissions from Proceedings

Thanks to a new workflow integration, conference organizers will be able to build their event programs on the basis of accepted papers from Proceedings Management. The option of basing the program on accepted abstracts remains available for organizers whose workflow suits that option better.


Coming Next - Targeting Q2


What's Next for Preflight and Integrity services?

Next month, we will integrate the following services into the Proceedings Workflow:

Preflight Checks: automatically confirms whether a paper adheres to your publishing template, submission guidelines, and requirements. 

AI generated text: scans and flags the probability of a paper containing artificial intelligence generated text.

Tortured phrases: detects plagiarism attempts of replacing scientific concepts with synonyms that are out of context in a paper.

Watch for forthcoming updates and invitations to beta trial the new services. Contact your account manager with any questions or details.


Proceedings Volume Submission Deadlines and Reminders

Publisher representatives will now be able to set submission deadlines for conference proceedings. Automated reminders will be sent to conference organizers to ensure they stay on track with their submissions.


Assign Bulk Uploaded Author Forms to Papers

Conference organizers who bulk upload their proceedings volumes on Morressier for submission to their publishers can now add copyright forms and other documentation for individual papers. Manual work is minimized through automatic matching of forms to papers.


Transcripts and Closed Captions in Research Libraries

Enhance the accessibility of your organization’s Research Library by adding video transcripts and closed captions. Transcripts can be downloaded or viewed alongside videos with seamless automatic scrolling.

Note: contact a sales team member for availability and pricing.

March 2023 - New Homepage Design and Peer Review Recommendations

New Homepage Design for Logged-In Users

The redesigned homepage seamlessly connects users with in-platform tasks and provides entry points to our workflows; Peer Review, Research Integrity, virtual and hybrid conferences, and Comprehensive Research Libraries.


Peer Review Recommendations

In addition to simple or graded review scoring, editors and conference organizers can now ask reviewers to give an overall recommendation on each abstract or paper. Configure a set of recommendation options for your reviewers to choose from, and see the most commonly given feedback at a glance to help make your decision.


Weighted Peer Review Scoring 

Not all feedback is created equal. Editors and conference organizers can now assign different weights to the graded scoring categories in their peer review settings. If you want “scientific merit” to factor more heavily into your decision process than “language quality”, the Morressier system will do the math for you.


Coming Next - Targeting Q2


Flag Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Generated Papers

Minimize the risk of retractions for your organization with automatic scans, identification, and flagging of papers containing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning generated text.


Import Event Submissions From Proceedings

Thanks to a new workflow integration, conference organizers will be able to build their event programs on the basis of accepted papers from Proceedings Management. The option of basing the program on accepted abstracts remains available for organizers whose workflow suits that option better.


Proceedings Volume Submission Deadlines and Reminders

Publisher representatives will now be able to set submission deadlines for conference proceedings. Automated reminders will be sent to conference organizers to ensure they stay on track with their submissions.


Assign Bulk Uploaded Author Forms to Papers

Conference organizers who bulk upload their proceedings volumes on Morressier for submission to the publisher can now add copyright forms and other documentation for individual papers. Manual work is minimized through automatic matching of forms to papers.


Transcripts and Closed Captions in Research Libraries

Enhance the accessibility of your organization’s Research Library by adding video transcripts and closed captions. Transcripts can be downloaded or viewed alongside videos with seamless automatic scrolling.

Note: contact a sales team member for availability and pricing.

December 2022 - Registration and Ticketing and Auto-Assign Reviewers

Registration and Ticketing (Events Hub)

We’ve amplified our suite of event hosting solutions with a new module for organizers to seamlessly manage registration and ticketing for virtual and hybrid events.

  • A flexible end-to-end event management solution to address common pain points for organizers and their audiences.

  • Real-time adaptability with a 360° view on running sales to adjust tickets, pricing, and coupons based on the event sales performance.

  • Eliminate the need to use 3rd-party ticketing and registration services.

  • Removal of time and resources required to connect multiple platforms with each other, as well as the inconsistencies of information transfers between each platform.

  • A streamlined and automated process for organizers with no re-synchronization of information required.


Enhanced User Profiles

Enhanced user profiles will leverage the Ringgold Identify Database and other industry standard identifiers, such as ORCiD. This will help the research community build trust and integrity by enabling researchers to use persistent identifiers to validate professional information – affiliations, locations, publications, and more – thus distinguishing themselves from other researchers, allow others to confirm their identity, and ensure the researcher gets credit for their work.


Auto-Assign Reviewers

Select autopilot and let our Peer Review Workflows determine the optimal way to distribute your abstracts or papers for peer review. Choose how many reviews are required per submission, check the system’s suggestions, and adjust as needed before confirming assignments. The smart tools take into account reviewers' chosen topics of expertise, relative workloads, and potential conflicts of interest.









November 2022 - Download Submission and Review Reports

Event Discoverability Optimized in Google Search 

To help bring awareness and build trust in your events hosted on the Morressier platform, we have optimized discoverability through Google search. In addition to our upcoming registration and ticketing module, this new feature will streamline the process of registering for events and can potentially increase your attendance rate.


Calls for Abstracts Discoverability Optimized in Google Search 

Many researchers use Google Search to discover calls for abstracts, papers and more created by conference organizers, societies and publishers. To help increase submissions, we have optimized the discoverability of calls for content in Google Search.


Download Submission and Review Reports

Organizers and publisher representatives can now capture a snapshot of the submission and review data for their events whenever necessary. Reports can be downloaded in spreadsheet format containing the details of all the abstracts, proceedings, or posters and presentations submitted to an event. Additionally, reports detail the latest reviewer feedback on all submissions and are updated hourly.


Proceedings Workflow Optimized for Bulk Uploading Author Forms

To ensure submission of a complete package of proceedings papers and related content, organizers can now upload additional documents in any file format including doc(x), xls(x), jpg, and pdf when preparing submissions to publishers, e.g., copyright transfer forms or attendee lists, alongside the preface and other editorial materials.


New Library Design Available to All Research Libraries

All Morressier research libraries now feature a new, rich design with intuitive options to customize libraries and display more functionalities on the home page.


Coming Next - Targeting Early 2023


Auto-Assign Reviewers

Select autopilot and let our Peer Review Workflows determine the optimal way to distribute your abstracts or papers for peer review. Choose how many reviews are required per submission, check the system’s suggestions, and adjust as needed before confirming assignments. The smart tools take into account reviewers' chosen topics of expertise, relative workloads, and potential conflicts of interest.


Registration and Ticketing (Events Hub)

We are amplifying our suite of event hosting solutions with a new module for organizers to seamlessly manage registration and ticketing for virtual and hybrid events.

  • A flexible end-to-end event management solution to address common pain points for organizers and their audiences with a 360° view on running sales.

  • Eliminate the need to use 3rd-party ticketing and registration services.

  • Removal of time and resources required to connect multiple platforms with each other, as well as the inconsistencies of information transfers between each platform.

  • A streamlined and automated process for organizers with no re-synchronization of information required.


Host Conference Proceedings in Research Libraries

Share your organization’s conference proceedings content in your Morressier Research Library. Allowing for content to be discoverable beyond your existing community by hosting the full proceedings in a Research Library or linking out to your own publishing platform.


Exhibitor Representatives in Virtual Booths

Engagement with the audience is a key objective for exhibitors hosting both in-person and virtual events. Ultimately, this is achieved through the interpersonal connection of speakers with their audience. Morressier will enable exhibitors to assign representatives to booths that attendees can connect and interact with either through messages, 1-1 video calls, or meeting scheduling.


Extending the Community of Communities for Early-Stage Research

Opening the platform to a wider community with an enhanced account creation workflow that includes Single Sign-On (SSO) with society membership, ORCID and Google credentials.


Disambiguating and Connecting Researchers to Research Output

Enhanced user profiles will leverage the Ringgold Identify database and other standard identifiers, such as ORCiD. This will help the research community build trust and integrity by enabling researchers to use persistent identifiers to identify professional information – affiliations, locations, funding, publications, and more – thus distinguishing themselves from other researchers, allow others to confirm their identity, and ensure the researcher gets credit for their work.


New Sponsorship Features

  • Live stages-pre/mid ads Sponsorships 






October 2022 - Return Event to Organizer (Proceedings Management)

Return Event to Organizer (Proceedings Management)

Publisher representatives can now request changes from conference organizers that must be addressed prior to the proceedings or technical papers in their event being published. 

Organizers then make the required changes to their papers or editorial material before resubmitting the volume.


Coming Next - Targeting Fall


Registration and Ticketing (Events Hub)

We are amplifying our suite of event hosting solutions with a new module for organizers to seamlessly manage registration and ticketing for virtual and hybrid events.

  • A flexible end-to-end event management solution to address common pain points for organizers and their audiences with a 360° view on running sales.

  • Eliminate the need to use 3rd-party ticketing and registration services.

  • Removal of time and resources required to connect multiple platforms with each other, as well as the inconsistencies of information transfers between each platform.

  • A streamlined and automated process for organizers with no re-synchronization of information required.


Host Conference Proceedings in Research Libraries

Share your organization’s conference proceedings content in your Morressier Research Library. Allowing for content to be discoverable beyond your existing community by hosting the full proceedings in a Research Library or linking out to your own publishing platform.


Exhibitor Representatives in Virtual Booths

Engagement with the audience is a key objective for exhibitors hosting both in-person and virtual events. Ultimately, this is achieved through the interpersonal connection of speakers with their audience. Morressier will enable exhibitors to assign representatives to booths that attendees can connect and interact with either through messages, 1-1 video calls, or meeting scheduling.


Extending the Community of Communities for Early-Stage Research

Opening the platform to a wider community with an enhanced account creation workflow that includes Single Sign-On (SSO) with society membership, ORCID and Google credentials.


Disambiguating and Connecting Researchers to Research Output

Enhanced user profiles will leverage the Ringgold Identify database and other standard identifiers, such as ORCiD. This will help the research community build trust and integrity by enabling researchers to use persistent identifiers to identify professional information – affiliations, locations, funding, publications, and more – thus distinguishing themselves from other researchers, allow others to confirm their identity, and ensure the researcher gets credit for their work.


New Sponsorship Features

  • Live stages-pre/mid ads Sponsorships 

September 2022 - iPad App-QR Codes for Posters and Request Another Review

iPad App-QR Codes for Posters

To increase visibility of research at events a QR code can now be generated for all posters displayed in the iPad App. Participants viewing the submission on the iPad App or external screens can scan the QR code with their mobile devices and access the submission’s full content. They can also revisit submissions of interest on their personal devices, view the discussions around the submission in the platform, and make connections.


Request Another Review

To enable a more robust peer review process, conference organizers and editors are now able to request an additional round of review (“re-review”) of a manuscript after a revised version has been resubmitted by authors. This allows reviewers to confirm whether the proposed changes on the initial manuscript were implemented correctly by the authors. An unlimited number of review rounds can be completed on a single manuscript.


Coming Next - Targeting Fall


Return Event to Organizer

Publisher representatives can request changes from conference organizers that must be addressed prior to the proceedings or technical papers in their event being published. Organizers then make the required changes to their papers or editorial material before resubmitting the volume.


Host Conference Proceedings in Research Libraries

Share your organization’s conference proceedings content in your Morressier Research Library. Allowing for content to be discoverable beyond your existing community by hosting the full proceedings in a Research Library or linking out to your own publishing platform.


Exhibitor Representatives in Virtual Booths

Engagement with the audience is a key objective for exhibitors hosting both in-person and virtual events. Ultimately, this is achieved through the interpersonal connection of speakers with their audience. Morressier will enable exhibitors to assign representatives to booths that attendees can connect and interact with either through messages, 1-1 video calls, or meeting scheduling.


Extending the Community of Communities for Early-Stage Research

Opening the platform to a wider community with an enhanced account creation workflow that includes Single Sign-On (SSO) with society membership, ORCID and Google credentials.


Disambiguating and Connecting Researchers to Research Output

Enhanced user profiles will leverage the Ringgold Identify database and other standard identifiers, such as ORCiD. This will help the research community build trust and integrity by enabling researchers to use persistent identifiers to identify professional information – affiliations, locations, funding, publications, and more – thus distinguishing themselves from other researchers, allow others to confirm their identity, and ensure the researcher gets credit for their work.


New Sponsorship, Registration, and Scheduling Features

  • Registration and ticketing
  • Live stages-pre/mid ads Sponsorships 

August 2022 - Schedule a Meeting, Section Editor Role, and Event Program PDF Exporter

Schedule a Meeting

To open the door for networking opportunities among attendees (either on-site or virtual) the Morressier platform facilitates the planning of 1-1 meetings between attendees that fits individual's schedules and preferences. Once created, these meetings populate on personal calendars ensuring there aren’t conflicts with other event commitments.

Section Editor Role

Enable conference organizers/administrators to streamline the experience for their Section/Topic Editors so that invited editors only have access to the content and actions required within their respective topic(s).


iPad Custom Filters

Organizers can now set and display iPad custom filters for the posters hosted in their event, allowing attendees to discover posters of interest with ease.


Event Program PDF Exporter

To assist organizers with sharing and disseminating their event program through preferred channels, we now offer the option to export their program in a PDF format at any stage of the program building process.


Back Office: Managing IP Access to Research Libraries

Organizers can manage IP address access for individuals and institutions to content included in their research library(ies). Access can be temporarily removed by disabling when the subscription expires (such as disabling access after a 2-week free trial period ends) or completely by deleting the data of the institution from the back office.


Coming Next - Targeting Fall


Exhibitor Representatives in Virtual Booths

Engagement with the audience is a key objective for exhibitors hosting both in-person and virtual events. Ultimately, this is achieved through the interpersonal connection of speakers with their audience. Morressier will enable exhibitors to assign representatives to booths that attendees can connect and interact with either through messages, 1-1 video calls, or meeting scheduling.


Request Another Review

Conference organizers and editors will be able to request an additional round of review (“re-review”) of a manuscript after a revised version has been resubmitted by authors.


Extending the Community of Communities for Early-Stage Research

Opening the platform to a wider community with an enhanced account creation workflow that includes Single Sign-On (SSO) with society membership, ORCID and Google credentials.


Disambiguating and Connecting Researchers to Research Output

Enhanced user profiles will leverage the Ringgold Identify database and other standard identifiers, such as ORCiD. This will help the research community build trust and integrity by enabling researchers to use persistent identifiers to identify professional information – affiliations, locations, funding, publications, and more – thus distinguishing themselves from other researchers, allow others to confirm their identity, and ensure the researcher gets credit for their work.


New Sponsorship, Registration, and Scheduling Features

  • Registration and ticketing
  • Live stages-pre/mid ads Sponsorships 

July 2022 - Session Tags and Improved User Experience in Platform

Improved User Experience for Researchers visiting the Morressier Platform 

  • We’ve redesigned navigation, home, search, and search results to help logged-in visitors find content quickly and easily.
  • The new design provides an equally excellent experience for researchers on mobile and small screen desktops.
  • Content filters have been added - making it easier to browse by event, session, research, call for abstracts, or call for papers.
  • A new menu enables researchers to quickly view upcoming events and recently read the research.

*We will continually test the usability of our designs over the next few weeks and then open the new pages to all.


Session Tags

To facilitate enhanced filtering options for conference programs, our platform now allows organizers to create custom tags and assign these tags to their sessions. These filters allow for multi-select filtering and can be combined with other existing session program filters. Tags are also displayed in each individual session to provide a consistent experience.


Coming Next - Targeting Late Summer/Fall


Extending the Community of Communities for Early-Stage Research

Morressier is opening the platform to a wider community with an enhanced account creation workflow that includes Single Sign-On (SSO) with society membership, ORCID, and Google credentials.


Disambiguating and Connecting Researchers to Research Output

Enhanced user profiles will leverage the Ringgold Identify database and other standard identifiers, such as ORCID iDs. This will assist the research community in building trust and integrity by enabling researchers to use persistent identifiers to validate professional information – affiliations, locations, funding, publications, and more – thus distinguishing themselves from other researchers, allowing others to confirm their identity, and ensuring researchers get credit for their work.


Section Editor and Topic Editor Role Enhancements

Enable conference organizers to create a streamlined experience for their Section/Topic Editors so that specified editors only view the content and actions required within their respective topic(s).  


Enhanced Access Model for Research Libraries

To support societies and publishers in managing access to events and research content on Research Libraries, we are enhancing our access model to restrict access by IP range.


New Sponsorship, Registration, and Scheduling Features


Schedule an appointment

To facilitate the networking opportunities among attendees (either on-site or virtual) the Morressier platform will support the planning of 1-1 meetings between attendees in order to ensure more interaction and engagement that fits individual's schedules and preferences.


Registration and ticketing

To provide an end-to-end event management experience for conference organizers, we are adding a new module for managing registration and ticketing for virtual and hybrid events.


Sponsorship in Live Events

To assist conference organizers in engaging sponsors in live events, we are building tools that will allow you to sell sponsorship opportunities in the form of ads and calls to action.

June 2022 - Flag Citation Manipulation and Filter Free and Paid Submissions

Integrity Checks - Flag Citation Manipulation

Citation manipulation is one of the most challenging issues facing scholarly publishing. When one author’s publications are overly cited in a paper, it is often difficult to identify because there is no universally agreed-upon rule of how often it is appropriate for an author to reference their own or their co-worker’s publications.

Challenges to publishing integrity like this can lead to high retraction rates, which damages reputations and negatively impacts the scientific community.

Using our new citation manipulation feature, publishers can easily identify articles that cite the same author’s research multiple times, so they can choose whether to exclude these articles from publication. Publishers can also see which of the flagged names belong to a person that played a role in compiling the volume they are currently reviewing.


Filter Free and Paid Submissions on Research Libraries

Societies and organizations have many different access models to research. Some types of research are open and available to all, whilst others are restricted to specific user groups. To make it easy and efficient to distinguish openly available content from restricted content, we now enable researchers to filter searches by free or paid content.


Search People in Events

To further improve attendee engagement at events, we’ve enhanced the search feature. As well as filtering by speakers, authors, delegates and chairs, users can now perform much deeper searches within a specific event. Searchers can now focus on name, organization and department, meaning far richer results.

May 2022 - Open Peer Reviews

Open Peer Reviews

Organizers can now choose a completely open peer review process. Authors will be able to see with full transparency the people who have reviewed their abstracts and papers. This can help promote open research and allow reviewers to receive credit for their voluntary work in the service of science.


April 2022 - One-to-One Video Calls and Personal Event Scheduler

One-to-One Video Calls

Networking opportunities through face-to-face engagement with peers are an important driver for individuals to participate in events, but in the age of the virtual event, these can be lost. In a virtual or hybrid setting, our platform enables video communication among attendees to increase engagement and delegate satisfaction. Enhancing Morressier’s networking and peering capabilities is an exciting development, already in high demand from our Conference user base.

This functionality allows Event attendees to connect and network through one-to-one video calls as an extension of the chat feature. One-to-One Video Calls expands the possibilities for virtual networking and socializing by giving attendees more flexibility to interact.

Whilst on the call, attendees can continue chatting or sharing content, as well as sharing their device screen for a richer collaboration experience. The experience is very like popular video conferencing tools including giving attendees control over audio and video. Morressier even provides a feature so that attendees can perform a technical check to ensure everything works smoothly during the call.






Personal Event Scheduler

Virtual events involve attendees dipping in and out of the online event, so ensuring attendee engagement is maximized can be difficult for Organizers. This feature will also be useful in the live setting, providing delegates with vital venue information and alerts for upcoming sessions.

Event Attendees can now manage a personalized event schedule to maximize their engagement. Event organizers can offer their attendees the ability to easily add sessions to their personal calendars, receive reminders, and track related content.

Attendees save the sessions they are interested in which can be added to their calendar. Notifications and updates are then automatically sent to remind attendees about the session, update them on changes and remind them of the session post-conference. This new feature will increase engagement and improve the attendee experience.



Publisher Research Libraries

Publishers can now aggregate events, presentations, and authors of individual society pages in a Research Library. Publishers need an enhanced Research Library experience to help expand their audiences and grow deeper relationships with stakeholders.



Display Open Calls for Submissions on Research Library Homepage

Societies and publishers can now offer visitors the opportunity to view all open calls for abstracts and papers. Calls for Submissions are displayed in date order with expired calls automatically removed from display.



Abstracts, Poster & Presentations Conference Link

Event organizers can now import accepted abstracts to their Conference Hub, create new posters or presentations from scratch, and launch their event submission process without manually uploading data. This makes the submission management workflow a lot simpler.

Organizers invite the authors in their event to submit a poster or presentation for a conference based on their previously submitted abstract. Submissions can be categorized into topics and arranged into sessions to build out the conference program.


March 2022 - Change Requests and Resubmission of Abstracts

Change Requests and Resubmission of Abstracts

Are you getting mixed feedback on an abstract from reviewers? Do you see potential in the research, but feel that something is missing? Simply suggest changes to Authors and invite them to resubmit, even if the submission deadline has already passed. Asking reviewers to resubmit based on feedback is great for interaction between the Researcher and the Society.


Search Abstract Submissions

Conference organizers can now search Abstracts for an Event to quickly find a specific submission. Search by Unique ID, Title, Author, or email to quickly check on a specific Abstract or a particular Author’s work. Improving search capabilities allows Conference Organizers to easily find and take action on specific submissions and increases engagement with authors.


Session Chat with Hosts and Speakers

In the continued spirit of increasing engagement at conferences, Hosts and Speakers can now participate in session chats. This improvement allows session Hosts and Speakers participating in live sessions to join in the session chat channel to answer questions and engage more effectively with their audience.



February 2022 - Bring Audience to Stage and More Event Customizations

Bring Audience-to-Stage

“What we missed the most from on-site events is the face to face interaction with the audience”. “I wish I was able to interact with the speakers in real time”.

Are you an organizer that heard this feedback from your speakers and audience? Did your speakers feel “isolated” when presenting their work to your virtual audience?

To respond to these concerns and to increase engagement in live virtual events, we have released the Bring Audience to Stage feature. This set of tools builds engagement beyond traditional Q&A, text chats, and polls, enabling the audience to actively take part in the virtual experience through structured participation in live sessions. In particular, the tools allow the audience to join the main stage with audio and/or video in order to ask questions, make comments, share their views and interact in real time. Simultaneously, these new tools allow for full moderation and control of the experience flow and structure per event session.



Technical Checks and Connectivity Alerts for Event Hosts and Speakers

The experience and success of virtual events relies heavily on technology. We recognize that:

  • Your attendees are not always equal when it comes to tech-savviness.
  • If your speakers and audience experience technical problems, their whole experience can be impacted.
  • As a virtual event organizer, it is impossible for you to know which kind of device your participants will be using when they attend your event or how stable their connection is. And, we know that poor audio and video quality as well as technical difficulties can cause real physical stress to any participant who experiences them.
  • As a result, we want to ensure that everyone attending your event is technically ready and confident so they can focus on their presentations and engaging with their peers.


Therefore, we have added automated, in-platform tech checks for all participants of live and networking sessions. These tech checks guide the participant in a journey that checks for the right browser permissions as well as camera and microphone checks to ensure that their devices are properly functioning.

In live sessions, speakers and moderators are instantly notified of any connectivity issues they might encounter, so as to be more prepared and proactive.



Article View Always has Citable Metadata

You can now maintain full control over the visibility of submissions and videos in your event, while simultaneously allowing your event and content to be discovered and cited by a wider community during and after the conference.

Whether an event is public or restricted, readers can view the title, author list, abstract, and conference information for every submission.


Link from Article View to Content Library

Drive traffic to your Content Library and allow new interested readers to discover your community. Every submission in your collection now links out to your full Content Library, so you can harness the power of the Morressier platform to engage a wider community than ever before.


More Event Customization Options

Not all events are the same. A new show/hide feature allows you to set-up an event and select only the sections that are applicable. For example, for poster libraries the “Sessions” section can now be hidden, or for events without Exhibitors the “Exhibitor” section can be hidden. Customize your view with a simple on/off toggle option.



Moderated Q&A Sessions

For Q&A sessions, you may set a flag for whether the Q&A session should be moderated or not.


New Action Cards Supporting Event Set Up

In addition to the 4-step wizard, we have improved the session awareness when you are working on setting up an event with new “cards” for prompting each stage of the workflow.


Improved Management of Event Registrants

New tools make it easy to add registrants to your Morressier hosted event.

Registrant Overview
View all registrants associated with your event as well as the status of their Morressier account so that you can be proactive in reminding users to sign up and join the event.

Bulk import of Event Registrants
Add as many registrants as you wish through a single or multiple excel imports into the platform. The import tool will guide you through the process, highlight any errors in your data and give you the ability to correct them on the spot, easily and effortlessly.

Quick Import of late registrants
Do you often have to deal with late registrants that need immediate attention? Our platform allows you to quickly add and notify those users instantly. All you need to provide is their email address.

January 2022 - Streamline Event Set-Up and Q&A for a Poster or Presentation

Streamline Event Set-Up

As part of our commitment to make the set up of events more streamlined, customized and intuitive, we have improved the workflows for event creators and managers. Set-up your event in four steps. Capture all the necessary information to get started and the platform will guide you for the rest.


Q&A for a Poster or Presentation

At Morressier, we’re all about keeping your audience and community coming back to engage with content even after the conference has ended. To this end, we have added a Q&A section to each individual poster or presentation page, where users can comment and ask questions of the author outside of the context of a live session.


Nominate Abstracts for Event Proceedings

Abstract and Proceedings Management are stronger together. When using the Morressier Platform to manage your content workflow from the Call for Abstracts all the way through to submitting your proceedings for publication, you can now choose to invite the authors of selected abstracts to submit an article to your Call for Papers. The results are many-fold:

  • A more efficient process for your authors eliminating duplicate steps
  • A more efficient process for your staff
  • End-to-end visibility of the path that a piece of research has taken through the various submission and review stages when considering it for inclusion in your conference proceedings

Nominate abstracts for Event Proceedings