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Integrity Manager

Your all-in-one integrity tool

Empower proactive research integrity - from peer review to ongoing investigations and post-publication audits, with a flexible plug-in solution to automatically detect fraud and misconduct for all content types.

[ Quick plug-In ]

Simplify your review process

Connect with your current workflow and instantly enhance your publishing infrastructure's security with zero disruption, migration headaches, or incompatibility concerns.

[ Instant Results ]

Streamline the back and forth

Drive efficient feedback and decision-making for your editorial team with immediate results and real-time insights discovered in submissions.

[ Integrity dashboard ]

Monitor and track program health

Get a clear snapshot of volume-level issues identified or take a deep dive at the check level. Review, assess, and make informed publishing decisions based on comprehensive reports.

[ Configurable checks ]

All-in-one integrity protection

Unify your integrity protection with access to all the industry's best tech in one workflow. Decide which checks your team needs and detect everything from plagiarism and image duplication to paper mill generated content.


Wait, there's more...


[ Abstract Manager ]

Configurable content management

Speed up review times while enhancing collaboration with automated tools.

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[ Proceedings Manager ]

Integrity-Protected Proceedings

Scale publishing operations with all the best research integrity tech in a single platform.

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