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Manage your publishing content all-in-one place with integrity protected workflows.

Abstract Manager

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Proceedings Manager

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Integrity Manager

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Submission Management

Submission Type

Abstracts, Posters, Presentations

Proceedings Papers



Setup & Publish Calls



Configure Submission Settings, Deadline, and Email Templates



Download Submission



Editorial Dashboard



Review Reports

Abstracts, Posters, Presentations

Proceedings papers



Peer Review

Embedded Preflight Checks (Submission Completeness & Standards Checks)


Proceedings papers



Configurable Peer Review




Manage Reviewers (Invite, Assign, Request Another Review)



Auto-assign Reviewers



Communication Function - Feedback to authors, to publishers, comments, decision notification

Abstracts, Posters, Presentations

Proceedings papers



Optimized author submission through auto-extraction of submission metadata, Just-In-Time & Asynchronous data collection





Peer review workflow options for Double & Single Anonymous, Transparent Peer Review, Co-review & Transfers





Intelligent reviewer searching





Journal portfolio management tool including workload management and assignment for Editors





Integration with Web of Science Reviewer Recognition, ORCID, Open Funder Registry & Credit





Special / Focus Issue support including creation, management, submission, & reporting





Access live submission and people data when there are revisions through event-driven APIs





Easy transfer & migration of journals with MECA compatible content and fully-supported migration process





Track & Record Research

Automatic DOI Assignment




Integrate ORCiD IDs





Customizable Submission IDs




Metadata Extraction



Industry standard identifiers for people, institutions and funders (ORCID, RoR, Ringgold, FundRef)





Event Management

Create & Setup Event



Build Event Program




Build Event Proceedings




Integrity Checks

Over-Citation Detection



Detect Tortured Phrasing



Flag AI Generated Content



Flag Papers Citing Retracted Content



Plagiarism Check



Papermill Alarm



Image Duplication Check


Proceedings papers



Integrity-protected journals workflow with investigations module





Open Access Support

Payment system integrations for OA payments (Rightslink CCC, Chronoshub, Aptara)





OA Switchboard integration for agreement notification messaging





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