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[ Publishing Workflows ] April 28, 2023

3 ways single-sign on is accelerating the speed of science

The groundbreaking digital disruptions of the 21st century have ushered in a new era for the scholarly publishing world. With more new and exciting technologies emerging than ever before, how can we make sure we’re using these resources to give researchers the experiences they deserve?

The benefits of single-sign on

Digital infrastructure has transformed the flow of information, setting new standards for the rate at which science should be shared and consumed.

Through new innovations like single-sign on (SSO), users can access research platforms at a faster rate without having to deal with the hassle of managing multiple login screens and passwords. We’ve recently unified our login flow and empowered Morressier users with the ability to login with SSO from every entry point to create a more seamless user experience. Read on to discover how this new feature is enhancing the research journey for our community.


Increased efficiency and speed

The old adage, time is money, has become increasingly relevant in recent decades, especially within the information industry. While it’s become clear that we cannot sacrifice quality and integrity for the sake of time, there is a need for greater speed and flexibility within our workflows in order to advance the rate of scientific progress. We can’t do away with critical yet lengthy elements to the publication process such as peer review, but we can use technology to make certain aspects of the research journey more smooth and streamlined.

Single-sign on for research platforms removes the bottlenecks involved in scholarly publishing, giving scientists the opportunity to build on each other’s findings and share their own work, using tools that match the speed of their scholarship.

Today’s academic landscape is complex enough. With SSO, science can become simplified with users no longer being bogged down by multiple login systems.


Boosted security

Password fatigue is extremely common when users are required to remember passwords across different services. Users will often create the same passwords for multiple platforms rather than remember several unique identification codes. This is a reasonable habit, but it actually presents a huge security risk and makes individuals more susceptible to hackers. It just takes one platform with weak password protection for hackers to instantly gain access to the entirety of a user’s data across multiple sites. 

Scientific findings are so important to researchers, and when organizations allow the security of their work to be compromised, they are less likely to renew society memberships. It’s important for your society to choose a technology partner that provides SSO so that you can make sure your members secure their ideas effectively.


Improved productivity

Implementing streamlined publishing workflows doesn't just help users, but also create benefits for their societies and organizations as a whole. When scientists aren’t worried about managing multiple platforms and passwords, they are given the freedom and space to focus fully on what matters most: research.

SSO helps researchers access content libraries faster in order to share or gain feedback on their work, providing them with more time to build on these ideas and even seek external support for them. In other words, giving your most talented members the opportunity to share and discover quicker means they can find funding and career opportunities (that can present value for your society) earlier on. Use SSO to expand your society’s revenue streams and attract corporate and institutional sponsors by helping your members share their biggest, freshest ideas with rapid speed.



The time for change is now. Societies and publishers must embrace the latest tools and disruptive models in order to improve publishing workflows, enhance their members’ experiences, and truly transform.

Our partnership philosophy is built on the conviction that our innovative and flexible products, combined with your strong knowledge and understanding of your member base can work holistically to deliver exactly what the next generation of researchers need to make the discoveries that will change the world.

guide to research integrity