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[ Publishing Workflows ] January 9, 2023

How can we make peer review and other administrative tasks easier for researchers?

Researchers join scholarly communities in search of a place to inspire and be inspired, and above all to help the world discover new things. But when non-research related activities begin to dominate the profession, these administrative burdens make scientific inquiry impossible. How can we make sure scholars get a chance to focus on what matters most to them?

Collaboration and Networking

Collaboration across disciplines and geographical boundaries helps broaden the scope of research and strengthen the power of scientific discoveries. But finding opportunities to connect and collaborate often means tons of time spent searching for potential collaborators, cold emailing, and manually recording scholarly activities.

Yet now, through emerging digital tools, finding opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration doesn’t have to be a time-consuming distraction from the research itself. For instance, tools such as user profiles allow researchers on the Morressier platform to keep a record of their own achievements through persistent identifiers and easily find their future collaborators or even funders. These verified user profiles also make it easier for talented researchers to get noticed by associations and publishers for their work, leading to funding opportunities and recognition, much earlier than usual. Innovative technology has transformed networking from a dull and tedious task to a seamless and simplified experience, creating faster and more sustainable connections


Peer Review

Assessing the quality of scientific information is crucial. But when the process becomes long and cumbersome it can be difficult to see the value in peer review, especially when it detracts from furthering your own studies and reputation. This Wiley article states that, “...peer reviewing actively disadvantages academics by taking time away from conducting [their] own research.” 

Can you imagine a world in which this problem is solved through powerful, efficient software and simplified workflows? With the emergence of automated reviewing systems, this has become possible. AI software gives time back to peer reviewers by replacing tedious manual processes with smart automated features that catch plagiarism, citation manipulation, and other errors or rogue practices with ease and speed. These tools also make it possible for any issues with scientific documents to be detected earlier, reducing headaches for reviewers down the line and enhancing integrity throughout the research lifecycle.


New Morressier feature: Auto-Assign Reviewers

Released January 2023 - Select Autopilot and let our Peer Review Workflows determine the optimal way to distribute your abstracts or papers for peer review. Choose how many reviews are required per submission, check the system’s suggestions, and adjust as needed before confirming assignments. The smart tools take into account reviewers' chosen topics of expertise, relative workloads, and potential conflicts of interest.

Create and manage ticket view
Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 16.20.05


Research Impact

Conducting research is just the tip of the iceberg, early on in the research lifecycle. There’s a long journey afterwards of sharing ideas, disseminating breakthroughs, and making sure that published research positively boosts the reputation of your leading researchers. It can be a long and winding road that can take attention away from building on discoveries or furthering scientific breakthroughs. 

Through analytical tools, users can easily track the impact that research is making. On the Morressier platform, comprehensive reader dashboards help monitor emerging trends that will shape the future of your discipline and see what topics are shaking up the research community. Even further, researchers need tools that allow them to gain valuable feedback that can change the course of their pre-published research and increase the success of the final output. When this industry builds infrastructure that supports increasing and measuring research impact, the task of promoting ideas becomes efficient and effortless, even long before the final journal article is published.




Researchers deserve to spend their time focusing on what only they can do: science. Automated systems and innovative publishing infrastructure can give time back to researchers, relieving them of the burdens that distract from making cutting-edge discoveries and ensuring that they make their mark on society.

future peer review whitepaper

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