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[ RESEARCH INTEGRITY ] December 22, 2023

Morressier Mythbusters: Tackling misinformation head-on

At Morressier, we’re committed to uncovering the truth behind scientific discoveries, combating fraud, misconduct, and misinformation every step of the way. During our offsite in Portugal, we took a few members of our team on a surprising journey, revealing that much of what they believed was a myth. See their hilarious reactions as we pull back the curtain on the unexpected truths.


Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

Is breakfast truly the start of a successful day, or is it a well-executed marketing ploy?

When we asked our team members about the alleged most important meal of the day, their responses ranged from lasagna to brunch and even second breakfast, but the majority voted for breakfast.

However, the surprising truth is that the idea of breakfast being the most vital meal was crafted by Kellogg's to boost the sales of their breakfast cereals. The iconic slogan, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," is credited to the collaboration of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and 7th Day Adventist James Caleb Jackson.


Is red wine good for your heart?

While many associate health benefits with indulging in red wine, particularly for heart health, it's essential to know the truth before considering a daily glass or two.

Our team members were unquestionably leaning towards the belief that red wine was beneficial for heart health. As you can see in our video, there was a mix of amusement and disappointment when they discovered the truth.

Contrary to popular belief, no research has conclusively established a cause-and-effect relationship between alcohol consumption and improved heart health.


Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?

Were you ever cautioned as a child to stop cracking your knuckles with the threat of arthritis looming?

As it turns out, that cautionary advice was baseless!

While the audible "pop" that accompanies knuckle cracking may be irksome to those in proximity, there's little evidence to suggest an increased risk of arthritis. Numerous studies comparing arthritis rates among habitual knuckle-crackers and non-crackers have consistently refuted this concern.


How many steps are we supposed to take each day?

Fitness tracking devices commonly encourage a daily goal of 10,000 steps. However, the widespread belief in the firm scientific foundation of this target is more coincidental and historically ingrained than thoroughly researched.

This objective gained popularity in Japan during the 1960s when a clockmaker, capitalizing on the post-1964 Tokyo Olympic Games fitness trend, manufactured a pedometer. The device, with a name that, when written in Japanese characters, translated to "10,000-steps meter," accidentally established a walking goal for fitness trackers.

Contrary to popular belief, today's leading scientific evidence suggests that achieving the 10,000-steps-a-day target, approximately equivalent to five miles, is not necessary for our health or longevity.


How many glasses of water should we drink each day?

The widely held notion that people should religiously consume eight glasses of water daily has led to the creation of water bottles, app reminders, and headbands.

Even though quite a few of our team members have a soft spot for wine over water,  most drink the  recommended eight glasses of water daily—though, truth be told, it might not be as necessary as we thought!

Historically, health experts advocated for the '8x8 rule.’ While this rule is straightforward to remember, some experts now advocate for a more nuanced approach, recommending a steady intake of water throughout the day, even when not experiencing thirst.

As is the case with many health recommendations, the optimal amount of water intake varies from person to person.


Does eating an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

When quizzed about the fruit that keeps the doctor away, our team members threw out a fruity spectrum of answers—mostly apples, a dash of mangoes, and even some seasonal raspberries!

But, the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" actually traces its origins back to Wales 149 years ago, with a variation in 1913 that rhymed differently: "Eat an apple before retiring to bed and you'll keep your doctor from earning his bread."

Yet, research finds that eating an apple a day does not significantly reduce the frequency of medical visits for those who regularly consume apples. However, it did reveal that an apple a day might deter visits to the pharmacist, as the small fraction of U.S. adults adhering to this habit appeared to use fewer prescription medications.



In a world where fraudulent research, fake papers, and misinformation loom, it's crucial to employ the necessary strategies and tools to detect these challenges. In order to maintain research integrity, it's crucial to don our mythbusting hats at all times.

A shout-out to our fantastic team members—Cameron Anderson, Thomas Fortmann, Jake Kelleher, Susannah Cooper, Barry Prendergast, Sami Benchekroun, Till Felder, Sarah Heid, Lizzie Lomer, and Anna Cahill—for jumping into the mix, having some fun, and dispelling a few truths along the way!

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