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[ Publishing Workflows ] January 10, 2023

How Morressier’s Registration & Ticketing tool will transform scientific event management

As events across the scientific landscape continue to advance virtually and in-person, Morressier's strong suite of event hosting and management tools are simplifying workflows for organizers. Discover what our newly introduced Registration & Ticketing features can do for your next event.

Why is Registration and Ticketing so important?

Morressier has a wide range of scientific event management tools that enable organizers to manage calls for abstracts and/or papers, peer-review submissions and host the event in a fully virtual or hybrid mode. However, selling event tickets and registering attendees, among other pre-event actions- is a huge part of any successful event. This is why we built a robust tool that helps event organizers charge ticket fees, track sales, and register attendees seamlessly from anywhere in the world. Seamless registration means that attendees can indicate interest and reserve seats while organizers can gather the information they need to provide an outstanding experience during the event. Additionally, the ticketing feature ensures that researchers and interested parties can commit to attending, and access the event without restriction, whether virtually or at the physical venue.

With this new feature, organizers using the Morressier event management tools can oversee their entire event lifecycle on a single platform.


Features and Benefits

With the aim of eliminating the need to connect different 3rd-party services, our integrated registration and ticketing solution removes the time, effort, and inconsistencies involved in this aspect of scientific event management. Being an automated system, organizers will spend less time handling registrations and focus on other important aspects of the event. Below are important features to look out for in this tool and how they will impact the success of your event.


Email-Group registration-300x300Group registration 

This feature on the Morressier Registration and Ticketing tool makes it possible for multiple attendees to register and purchase tickets at the same time within a single transaction. It improves the way organizers manage the event and eliminates time spent on group registration. This significantly improves user experience, which in turn impacts ticket sales.


Email-Coupon and voucher options-300x300Coupon and voucher options

Hand out coupons and registration vouchers to boost ticket sales and make registration easy for attendees. Event organizers and registrants can automatically cross-check for coupon validity and make adjustments accordingly to the checkout cart. Whether you want to give discounts or grant free tickets to specific attendees, this feature makes it super easy and seamless.


Email-Multiple ticket types available-300x300Multiple ticket types

This feature allows event organizers to charge different prices for specific event packages or kinds of attendees. Usually, event organizers provide various ticketing options for virtual and in-person attendees to enable them to tailor their event experience accordingly. The Morressier platform provides customization options for multiple ticket types to enable you to configure your events according to your needs.


Email-360° view of running sales-300x300360o view of running sales

Track and monitor the progress of your event registration and ticket sales. Our event management solution now provides a 360o overview of activities with a comprehensive dashboard that allows organizers to use insights and analytics available to them. With this feature, you can know the number of virtual and in-person attendees to expect and plan your itineraries accordingly. This also eliminates the inconsistency in transferring event data from multiple third-party services and provides all the information you need in a single platform.


Email-Real-time adaptability-300x300Real-time event adaptability

The administrative work involved in managing scientific events can be cumbersome. This is why our registration and ticketing system is built for easy and automated communication and real-time adaptability of information. Organizers can easily monitor coupon usage, observe ticket purchase trends and make adjustments to improve performance, even while sales are running.



Morressier is the all-in-one platform for creating, setting up, building event programs, personalizing sessions, and managing your entire scientific event and beyond. With this new addition to our event management toolkit, organizers can manage and support attendee registration and ticketing in virtual and hybrid events. We are committed to improving scholarly communication and efficiency in the dissemination of research.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our full conference hosting and management suite.

event management platform

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