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[ Publishing Workflows ] December 21, 2022

New Year's resolutions for the scholarly publishing community

After a thrilling year of growth and development for the scholarly publishing community, we’re ready to welcome 2023. We thought this would be the perfect time of year to share our New Year’s Resolutions for the scholarly communications industry.

We asked some of our leaders what their thoughts are for the new year, and they had some interesting details to share. Like all of us individually, this industry has some habits to break and some goals to set. 


Othman Altalib, SVP of Strategy & Growth 

I’m new to this industry, and it's been an amazing learning experience since I joined this year. I’ve been amazed at how science itself experiments and takes risks, and my resolution is to look for opportunities for scholarly publishing to take equally bold risks. There is so much innovation and efficiency to be found from embracing disruption. In such a complex ecosystem, bold changes will look different for every stakeholder and every organization. After listening to so many leaders in this community, I can clearly see areas where the status quo isn’t working for today’s research industry. There are intense pressures in scaling peer review workflows for more and more research every year. There are also new business models that need to be market tested, and so on. So my resolution is to embrace change and a spirit of experimentation to make publishing research as innovative as the research itself. 


Jennifer Goodrich, VP of Product

I’ve had a very fulfilling 2022 since joining the Morressier product team at the start of the year. I’ve been so impressed with my team and their deep understanding of this industry and the pain points of our customers. This leads me to my resolution for 2023: I hope that we continue to keep the researcher at the heart of every decision we make in this industry. We’ve collectively made so many strides to improve access to research for marginalized communities, like creating digital access to conference content for those without the resources to travel. But there are still so many more ways that we can build technology to make the most cumbersome parts of a researcher’s job easier. Can we improve the peer review process, making it rewarding and easy for everyone to engage in? Can we help researchers advance their careers and connect with funders and institutions earlier in the research lifecycle? Absolutely! As long as we keep technology focused on solving problems for the research community, there’s no end to what we can achieve.


Joe Adams, Senior Director of Sales

As a sales leader, you might think my resolution is to help Morressier to increase business, and you would be right. But in addition, my goal is that we, as an industry, continue to innovate, especially in areas like research integrity. I’ve been saddened this year to see some of the research misconduct headlines splashed across the front pages. We hold ourselves to very high standards, and still, these issues sometimes slip through the cracks. So my resolution is to find a solution that helps us maintain the highest standard of research integrity. The landscape has become increasingly complex as the digital world continues to evolve, and our industry needs to move faster and be bolder. I believe with a singular focus between publishing and technology organizations, we can work together to achieve the best research integrity possible and by extension, improve public trust in science.


Sami Benchekroun, CEO & Co-Founder

What wonderful resolutions from my colleagues. I agree with every single one: embracing change, focusing on the researcher, and research integrity. Now let me add one of my own: let’s dually focus on research integrity and accelerating the rate at which research is shared. Ensuring quality research reaches the public will always be the cornerstone of our business. But what if we could do the same publishing process but faster? The world’s problems are too critical to move slowly, so we have to keep up by sharing research faster - both by expanding the world of early-stage research and by streamlining the peer review process. Like Othman’s, Jen’s, and Joe’s resolutions, mine also requires huge amounts of collaboration from friends across the industry. So let’s get to it, 2023! 

We’re ready! 

promoting transparency to support research integrity

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