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[ RESEARCH INTEGRITY ] September 13, 2023

The value of your society's brand for research integrity

In an age of fraudulent organizations and predatory journals, your brand is a critical piece of establishing a dependable and respected community. Is your brand strong enough that your members recognize and trust it?

Trust and credibility

As the volume of published research continues to surge and the pressure to publish grows, authors find themselves navigating a demanding landscape with limited time to share their career-driving ideas.  Unfortunately, this environment has attracted organizations looking to exploit this pressure for their own financial gain. Predatory publishers are organizations that prey on authors, collecting conference registration fees and author processing charges (APCs), yet only superficially checking research before publishing it. These organizations often lack robust evaluation procedures, resulting in the spread of misinformation and creating fear amongst researchers who want to avoid being taken advantage of.

When authors participate in conferences or submit to journals run by predatory organizations, this leads to wasted time and financial resources for authors, limiting the potential and energy for further discoveries. Yet, they can be extremely difficult to detect and avoid. One scholar recently estimated that predatory journals currently make up one-fifth of the global output of scientific research articles.

Amidst these circumstances, how can authors, especially early-career researchers, distinguish a legitimate society from a predatory one? In this landscape, it’s important for societies and publishers to support authors and offer trust, transparency, and stability through their brand.


The importance of distinctive branded member communication

Societies need to make sure that every piece of member communication, whether it's during the publishing process or part of their social media activities, is well branded. 

A strong brand means trust and setting yourself apart from predatory competitors. With a distinctive brand presence, you can build confidence with your members and potential members. 

Developing a brand involves establishing a consistent visual identity that reflects a society’s values, mission, and unique attributes in order to create trust. According to a survey, in the US, 46% of consumers say that they would pay more to purchase from brands they can trust. In a world where predatory organizations and scams exist, a well-defined brand serves as a clear differentiator between legitimate organizations and rogue entities.

Well-branded member communication offers consistent messaging, value reinforcement, and professionalism to differentiate from fraudulent societies. This not only fosters trust and bolsters credibility but also contributes to increased membership subscription rates, creating a loyal community of individuals who offer financial support, volunteer their time, and collaborate to help your society lead tomorrow’s breakthroughs.


Influencing policy and change

In many ways, societies are the public face of science, advocating for your community’s discovery to have greater impact. 

Decision-makers and the general public search for credible organizations to support their mission, provide evidence for their claims, or create a source of information for investors. 

A society with a strong reputation is seen as a credible source of information and expertise in its field, making it more likely to have its voice heard and its discoveries used as evidence for public decisions. This influence can be critical when it comes to driving positive social change and advancing your organization’s mission.



We believe in harnessing the storytelling power of compelling digital content and streamlined workflows. 

Creating a strong brand identity can solidify your society's credibility, opening doors to new and better opportunities. Through personalized login interfaces, custom-tailored email templates, and seamlessly integrated navigation pages that reflect your logo and brand colors, Morressier is here to empower you in sharing your narrative with the world.

guide to research integrity

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