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[ Publishing Workflows ] November 7, 2022

3 Ways data can be used to advance scholarly publishing

Without accurate and comprehensive analytics, scholarly publishing will be left behind. How can data support strategic decision-making, uncover emerging trends in science, and help societies and associations grow their community?

Can data insights transform scholarly publishing?

The massive explosion in data in the past few years has significantly impacted many sectors. Today, with the help of digital infrastructure, data is driving various aspects of decision-making in scholarly publishing. We are starting to see data-driven insights and approaches significantly reshape trends in publishing workflows, abstract management, and research dissemination. Furthermore, the ability of societies and associations to track member activity, streamline processes and improve their value proposition now largely depends on their ability to use the data at their disposal.

But we often hear that this data is inaccurate or that it comes from too many sources and can’t be used for comparison or analysis.

As custodians of scholarly content, publishers have access to readership and usage data that provides insights into popular topics and reader behavior. This data can be used to enrich services across the publishing industry, enabling stakeholders to create data-driven editorial decisions that help them grow. 

There’s so much potential in today’s environment. AI can analyze more data than ever before and give us insights that improve efficiency, transparency, and integrity. If we harness its power, data will transform the way science is qualified and shared.


How publishers can unleash the power of data

The publishing industry can use data to develop a more agile approach to effective research publishing. As the urgency to share the latest scientific discoveries grows, data plays a greater role in helping us understand what readers care about and what breakthroughs have the potential to become future innovations. Here are three ways data will transform publishing.


  •  User Insights

Future-thinking publishers can leverage user insights to create intelligent solutions that help researchers and learners find the research they need. These insights are powered by digital infrastructure that captures this data and aggregates it for publishers to analyze. 

The insights gained from user data give publishers all the information they need to better understand their target audience and better serve them the content they need in the future.


  •  Content publishing

Data can be used to uncover the trends in research communities, content purchasing behaviors, and readership metrics. By analyzing this data, publishers can gain the information they need to make publishing decisions. From investigating what readers want and determining what research papers have the most potential, data, when carefully analyzed, can provide knowledge that powers scholarly publishing.


  •  Stay ahead of the competition and advance science

The main goal of publishing is to disseminate findings and advance science. But today, it's hard to take advantage of the power of data since it comes from so many separate sources. It's hard to overstate the importance of data to significantly shape trends in the scientific community. However, future-thinking publishers can utilize data insights to develop new ideas that help them stay ahead of the competition and make editorial decisions to publish the best content for researchers and world learners.


Morressier’s goal for a data-driven future

Data is a powerful tool for building innovative strategies and solutions. With our cutting-edge reporting and publishing dashboards, our partners are able to visualize data gathered from their users, analyze them and download them for various purposes. We also provide a detailed report on submissions, peer review data, conference proceedings, and other important metrics that drive growth for academic conferences.

The insights our platform provides to users help inform decisions in line with the needs of stakeholders. Furthermore, they are able to implement innovative solutions based on their findings and enrich their academic publishing business models.



Data has the power to transform the publishing industry from changing how we perceive research content to preparing publishers for market challenges and meeting the needs of researchers and readers.

As the industry continues to play a vital role in how research affects our world, data can translate into new ideas that bring positive transformation to publishing models. Morressier is at the forefront of helping the scientific community utilize data insights for the future of science and to advance early-stage research impact.

Microscope cutting of a cell with messaging about the future of publishing infrastructure