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[ Publishing Workflows ] May 12, 2022

Reintroducing Morressier: Everything you need to know

Transforming the scholarly landscape is our goal as we play our part in helping the world learn about new discoveries that can potentially shape the future. But as we grow, we're adapting our product features and advancing our platform's ability to help the world discover new scientific breakthroughs.

In the light of our recent rebrand, we want to answer some questions that may arise as we take you through our growth stages. We have put together these FAQs to tell you what the Morressier brand is about, our products, and the vision for advancing early-stage research.


Why rebrand, and what is the future for Morressier?

Morressier is a company with a vision, a bold vision that requires the backing of an equally bold brand. Our recent rebrand aimed to reflect our growth and new, improved approach to sharing early-stage research. We envision a research community that has all it needs to bring sparks of ideas to life with the help of our products and comprehensive support. 

Read what our co-founder and CEO have to say about the next steps of the Morressier journey.


What exactly is early-stage research, and why is it important? 

Early-stage research is ideas and findings brought forward by scientific researchers at conferences or early on in the research process - long before a published paper. Early-stage research is important because it is pivotal to the growth and transformation of the industry, especially now as we move beyond the global pandemic. Removing the barrier that prevents ideas from going mainstream from the time of discovery is Morressier's primary focus. We bring more visibility to early-stage research by maximizing the efficiency of sharing research with the scientific community.


Why not just use zoom? 

Conferences are more than just webinars and meetings where information is being passed across. Today, scientific communities that depend on virtual and hybrid means of accessing conferences demand more interactive experiences. That means thinking beyond the status quo of online meetings. 

The Morressier platform provides scientific event organizers with the tools to deliver exceptional virtual and hybrid conference experiences. Furthermore, participants can have full access to conference posters and submissions long after the conference is over, allowing for a more collaborative and productive approach to early-stage research.

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How does our peer review process work?

Morressier's Peer Review Process is structured to ensure only high-quality content is shared with your community. From the call for content to posters and conference proceedings, we ensure the review process is fair and duly conducted by your selected reviewers. Our review workflow allows you full control of the content management process with dashboards for tracking the progress and scores of each submission.


Can anybody present at a virtual conference? 

Morressier conference workflows are streamlined to allow conference chairs complete control of who presents during the event. The presentations and schedule will be organized following a peer review process, ensuring you get the right people on the virtual stage. 

While event organizers manage who presents, there are many different ways for attendees to engage with each other and the presenter. From virtual networking sessions and chat functions to one-on-one calls between attendees and asking questions on stage, there are many ways participants can lend their voice on the Morressier platform. 


What happens to early-stage research after it's presented? 

Instead of being thrown away or rendered inaccessible, as was previously the case, Morressier allows event organizers to host their posters and conference proceedings in our research library. These documents are easily accessible to the community and can be referenced as part of the historical development that will eventually get published.


What if I have more questions?

If you have any additional questions or need information about our products and services, send us a message or book a demo, and we'll be happy to help anytime.

Butterfly on flower with message about digital transformation in scholarly publishing

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