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[ Publishing Workflows ] April 15, 2022

Why virtual libraries are the best place to get your research noticed

Early-career researchers (ECRs) are entering an extremely competitive and challenging academic landscape. Conducting research is an incredible feat, but getting your pre-published results noticed  amidst the overload of information shared across the scholarly world is another daunting obstacle. Yet, in our current digital age, making sure that your work is easily accessible actually may not be as difficult as it seems. The amount of research published in conference repositories five years ago compared to now is shocking. At Morressier, there was even a 58% increase in early-stage research published to our platform from 2020 to 2021. Read on to discover why more and more researchers are choosing digital repositories to disseminate their ideas.

Increasing your work’s reach and lifespan


Gone are the days when sharing your early-stage results meant presenting in a crowded academic conference room and tossing the research poster you spent weeks on in the bin on the way out. Sharing your work in online repositories in the form of ePosters and video presentations allows your early-stage research to be seen by a more extensive audience years after the initial event. The age of ephemeral content is dead. Future employers, mentors, and members of organizations and institutions can discover your breakthrough through a quick Google search, growing your network and increasing your professional opportunities. The digital repositories of today can help you unlock the epic potential of your work. Based on these effects, it’s not surprising that many say now is the best time to be an ECR.


Collaboration is key


Research isn’t made to exist in a vacuum. Science is all about coming together and trying something new. During the pandemic, we saw researchers across the globe join forces to discover more information regarding Covid and its effects. According to this Nature article, the ‘life-saving vaccines’ that have transformed our lives and opened up our world wouldn’t have been possible without this ‘rapid and remarkable collaboration’ within the scientific community. The rise of research libraries has only amplified this collaboration. By making your work accessible to a broader group of individuals, you are opening the door to an international network of peers who can make exciting and impactful suggestions. During the long, winding road that leads to journal publication, you can make improvements based on these insights to strengthen your work and increase its chance of getting noticed.


Furthering your Reputation


Making your early-stage findings discoverable within a digital library doesn’t just increase the impact and reach of your results, but also that of your own professional identity. By sharing your research journey, you allow the entire scholarly community to easily connect with you and your process from the very beginning. Persistent identifiers like ORCID IDs actively connect the dots of the research journey. It also gives early-career researchers a profile so readers can trace their first discoveries to a final published journal article. On the Morressier Platform, when each researcher logs into the conference library, they have the option of signing in with their ORCID ID. This makes it easy for you to gain credit and further your reputation as a pioneer, as the scientist who made that first leap, who followed their intuition and had the courage to see where the spark of scientific discovery led them.


Amplifying your findings just takes a click. Download our eBook, The Future of Scientific Conferences is Hybrid, to learn more about scientific collaboration and increasing the lifespan of conference content.

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