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[ Publishing Workflows ] February 17, 2023

How can AI impact every step of the research process?

We’re living in an increasingly automated world and learning more about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning everyday. AI stands to reshape science and accelerate the speed of the research process, but how? Will these tools replace or enhance human capabilities? Let’s dive in.

Using technology to streamline the research process

Automated systems are being used to reduce the time spent on manual tasks and maximize the efficiency of research. Humans are hardwired to resist change, but today we explore the potential of embracing change at each stage of the research lifecycle.


Collaboration and discovery

It’s been proven in several studies that one of the main reasons members join societies is to feel connected to a global community. Researchers want opportunities to meet like-minded professionals who can help support ideas and spark their creativity. But, when the administrative tasks and duties around research become too time-consuming, how can researchers find the time to meet one another and network?

AI can optimize the research process, even at its earliest stages, by making manual scientific tasks such as finding participants, formatting data, and organizing results much faster and easier. When these steps become streamlined, time and resources are freed up for researchers so that they can work towards what matters most to them: connection. Through this collaboration, they can build on their ideas and take their findings to the next level to present themselves for opportunities for funding and support to further conduct and share their research.


Recording research

After collating and organizing data, researchers are then tasked with writing up the figures, abstracts, results, discussion, and conclusion. Imagine a world where these tasks could be completed automatically through technology? Well, we’re already living in it.

Scientists are now making use of AI writing tools to create research papers, manuscripts, and abstracts. This has sparked criticism from academic bodies, taking issue with the fact that fully AI-generated papers lack originality and authenticity. Recently, the International Conference on Machine Learning announced a polarizing ban on using AI tools like Chat GPT to write scientific papers. While the research integrity concerns that this trend has prompted are valid, and regulation will have to come into play, it can be exciting to ponder the new doors that might open when we  embrace AI as a tool that can streamline writing and recording research. 

How could these tools support scientists in providing them with the time and resources to pursue other research-related goals and further their discoveries? How could AI remove language barrier-related biases for researchers who speak English as a second language? It’s important to approach new technological developments with a grain of salt, but also with the curiosity and openness needed to make advancements and build on these innovations to create a sustainable future.


Presenting early insights

While, in the past, many solely focused on the final published article, the scholarly community has slowly begun to recognize the value of preliminary results. Sharing early-stage research, in the form of videos, posters, preprints, and more, is critical to helping scientists learn and build on one another’s failings, findings, and insights. 

When AI-enhanced technology is implemented within the research process, it accelerates the rate at which research is conducted and shared. In other words, AI makes it easier to disseminate discoveries earlier, and share science while it's happening. AI also helps vet these preliminary findings at a scale and speed that humans are incapable of. At Morressier, we embed integrity checks directly into our platform to detect scientific misconduct or errors in conference content before it gets shared. Through these tools, we skip the time spent manually previewing findings so that these insights can be turned into breakthroughs faster.

Even further, in the world of academic conferences,  organizers can also gather the most talented thinkers and minds to collaborate much faster through AI. Our new registration and ticketing solutions help organizers automate the conference organizing process and charge ticket fees, track sales, and register attendees faster and more efficiently, speeding up the process in which the world’s learners come together to debate, discuss, and provide feedback on early-stage research.


Peer review and publication

At the final stage of the research lifecycle, scholars send their manuscripts to be reviewed by their peers, a process that can take months, before publication. AI tools can accelerate peer review and help scientists publish their research faster, ensuring that their findings are shared while they’re still relevant and thus boosting research impact.

At Morressier, smart automations are built into our Peer Review Workflows to detect issues such as citation manipulation, salami slicing, and more. Through these features, we make sure reviewers can save time with our efficient and scalable software. We’ve also built a feature that helps societies find potential reviewers and contact them automatically for even more speed without sacrificing quality.



AI is one of the biggest buzzword topics in our industry right now, and it can’t go ignored. But, as with all technology, we need to learn how to strike the right balance between humanity and machinery. The only way to get there is to be open to experimentation and adaptation.

Despite what you might hear to the contrary, technology and robots aren’t here to replace us, they’re here to help us accelerate the scientific breakthroughs we need.

Disruption in scholarly publishing webinar

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